Friday, April 1, 2011


Interviewing  involves certain steps that make the interviewer have really good and concrete ideas from the person being interviewed.When interviewing someone you should have a flexible schedule so as to be able to come back if there is the need to. People who do not have flexible schedule end up looking at their watches during the interview to make sure they are on top of time, but you should not have a limit to an interview because you never know how much information the person being interviewed is wiling to give out and if he or she would be able to meet up with u again some other time to finish up. You need to also dress appropriately for the occasion and not shabby like you don't care about it and also look interested and look the person being interviewed in the eye to show interest and good listening skills. When interviewing, you should make sure you are at a good location to not have all these distractions so you can focus on each other. Also one major thing about interviewing is the kind of questions you ask. don't ask closed ended questions like "do you have a dog"? but rather open ended questions like "how did you feel when you first found your dog"? this allows the interviewee to express him or herself in a complete sentence and not a short phrase like yes or no. after the interview you have to make sure you say thank you to show appreciation to the interviewee for spending time or taking time off his or her busy schedule to meet up with you for the interview.
   When done with the interview and you putting it in your work don't forget to put it in quotation marks to show its not your words but that of someone else.

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