Friday, February 18, 2011

15 min class observation

My observation was on a particular math class. I got into  the class and sat in the last seat to have a better view of everyone walking into class. the professor was behind her desk on her phone texting because it wasn't yet time to start class. She looked like she was into what ever she was doing and didn't want to be disturbed. I was just watching some of the students walk in. The class seemed to be made up of about 25 students. Those who had already arrived seemed like they didn't want to be in class at the time of the day. It was 9.00am and class starts at 9.05am.There were students who walked in ready to go and others just seemed with regrets. Some of the students looked like they had been struck by lightening with their hair all frizzy and all over the place looking pale as diseased. Their outfits also gave the impression they just jumped out of bed and threw on whatever they found laying around the room. Unlike the rugged group there were the ones that looked ready,neat and conscious of what was going on. Finally the class was filled up and teaching begun.This is when the two groups of people really stood out as to their qualities. It turned out that the rugged group were unprepared and not conscious and ready for the class. They didn't contribute to any of the discussion because their minds seemed to be in wonder land. The other group that were ready  contributed to everything going on in the class.

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