Wednesday, November 17, 2010

rhetorical analysis

rhetorical analysis requires one to think through a writing and be able to break it down textwise. the main goal of rhetorical writing is to be able to tell how the author writes and not what the author writes by keeping in mind the strategies used throughout the paper. In analyzing you want to make sure you read the work well and then ask yourself some questions. some of the questions one can ask are, what is the thesis? arguement and so on.when reading a rhetorical paper the writer should put in all effort and take it one step at time then the whole meaning will come out

visual narrative examples

im commenting on the visual narrrative we were supposed to look at so as to know which one we would be doing. sarahs was the one i chose to looks at because i loved the colors she used and the font to go with it. the visuals were all portraying what the writer wanted to convey. when making a visual narrative we work more on the pictures and less of the words or sentences because the main focus is on the visuals. if the audience or reader is not able to tell what the writer is trying to say then there is a problem with the project and sometimes too what the writer might be trying to convey might not be what the audience see or think throughout the project

Friday, November 12, 2010

my websiteeeeeeeee

good essay

When writing a good paper starting with the topic one must see to it that the topic is strong and straight to the point. when writing a paper the topic should be researchable and depending on what one is writing about, the topic can either be humorous or "boring". When it comes to the introduction too it should have a strong thesis talking about what the essay is about so the reader can have an idea about what the whole paper is about. the intro should also be interesting so as not to get the reader bored. The body of the paper should also explain into detail the point your writing. Transitional words should also be used to make the paper flow easily and better. transitions help to make the paper easy to read and understanding. Conclusions should summarize all the points in the essay or paper. it should have all the points brought down in short form in the conlcusion paragraph as well